Thursday, May 21, 2009

A Day on the water

May 17,2009

A day with the navigation students

We went sailing with the grade 11 class from FCAC on Sunday May10th. Many of these students are in my grade 11 math class so I knew several of them. In their navigation class they have been learning many skills and today was the day that they put it to real practical use. They were put into three groups and they rotated around the boat at different stages of the day "being in charge" of different sets of ropes to control the sails, taking different readings (such as wind and travel speed), and throughout the day and everyone took a turn at steering the boat. It is harder than it looks. I was always in correction mode. Haha

Steering the boat and looking good!!

This is Josh. He is all about his image and said he is going to be the next Australia top model. You go Josh!!

Hands on Experience

Iceberg!!! Where???

I'm the Captain of the Ship

Kids will be kids

Asleep at the wheel (again)

That was fun

These are the best of times.

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

The first weekend in May is a long weekend in Australia (Labour Day), so we took a flight on a small twin propeller plane to the southern tip of the Great Barrier Reef for three days of snorkeling. We landed on Lady Elliot Island which is approximately 150 kms northeast of Hervey bay. A small island that can accommodate about 100 people in cabins with a little restaurant and 3 boats to take you out to deep water for snorkeling or diving.

Great Barrier Reef

We arrived late in the afternoon so we just explored the island on the first day.

A good breakfast before a day of peddling through the water.


Boats left once every hour to take people out to deeper waters.

Some of Stephanie's photos