Saturday, June 13, 2009

A day trip to Fraser Island

On June 13th we purchased a ticket on this barge and went over to nearby Fraser Island (Kingfisher Bay) for the day. A friend of ours (Stephen) came with us. It was about 5 degrees at 7am, but was supposed to climb to the mid 20's so we all had a few layers of clothing on.

A look back at the view before we set off into the bush.

Destination: Lake McKenzie

We arrived on Fraser Island at 8am. A cool start to the day, but it quickly warmed up and we set off for the lake. (aproximately a 26 km round trip)

A nice day for a hike.

Getting close to our destination (Lake Mckenzie)

Lake Mckenzie

Well worth the walk. The sand on this beach was as fine as flour. Next time we plan to bring a tent and spend the night. There is a camping area near by that has been fenced off to protect campers from Dingos.

Eucalyptus Trees

Many different species of Eucalyptus trees grow in Australia. The tree I am leaning on is called a "Scribbly Gum". If you enlarge the picture you can see the zig zag pattern by my hand. (that is created by a worm in search of the sap). We're not sure what the strange formation is below my hand.

Banksia Tree

These are nuts from a Banksia tree. The local people call them "monkey smiles"


This yello stuff was like mucus. We weren't sure if it was growing on the side or oozeing out of the tree. I poked it with a stick and we moved on.

Fungus ???

We weren't sure what this was. They look fragile or delicate but they were like rubber and very well attached to the trees.

Xanthorrhoea Shrub

Each classroom on the school grounds at Fraser Coast is identified by a different shrub. Stephanie's building is Xanthorrhoea. These grass trees are common in this area. (they are also referred too as a "black boy"), although no one has been able to tell me why they are called that.

Lunch Break

Stephanie and Stephen. He had been on the island several times before and volunteered to show us some unmarked trails. He is originally from South Africa but has lived in Australia for a number of years. We didn't come across any other people the entire day.

24 K's done and 2 to go.

A little tired

Tractor in the sand

Before declaring Fraser Island a World Heritage Site, parts of the island were logged for the hardwoods that grew in abundance. Some old machinery still lays scattered around the island.

Returning back to Kingfisher Bay

That was a long hike

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Sydney for the weekend

The last weekend in May we caught a flight to Sydney. My tour guide bought me a coffee and off we went.

Sydney Fish Market

We spent one afternoon at the fish market and really enjoyed it. Trucks and boats were unloading at the many different docks and they were cleaning and cooking everything imaginable. The selection of seafood was incredible.

North Sydney

We took a half hour ferry ride to the suburb of Manly (north Sydney) to browse around. The weather turned stormy and we had a rough boat ride (10 meter swells according to the locals). We stood on the upper deck so we could take pictures and ended up getting completely soaked.

Opera House

To take this picture we set the camera on a post then ran in front and waited for the flash. (that always seemed to induce laughter)