Monday, September 14, 2009

Whale Watching

On Sunday morning, September 13th we went out into Hervey Bay to do some whale watching. There were always several different pods of 2-5 whale each in the bay but whenever we got close they seemed to move away. Many of them were mothers with small babies and they seemed quite protective. They came up to this area from the antartic to calve and were on there way back down south.

Humpback Whales in Hervey Bay

The whales were quite active, but we were usually a little too slow with the camera.

Saturday, September 5, 2009

Camping trip to the Whitsunday Islands with Stephanie's students

The first week in September both Steph and myself went on a leadership camp with some of the students from her school. The idea was to see which students would show leadership qualities in difficult situations. We started by taking a 1/2hr bus ride to a train station. Then a train up north to Mackay / Shute Harbor. We carried all our food and tents on our backs. At first I was questioning what I had got myself into, but it turned out to be a lot of fun. These kids were really great fun to be around.

Catching the train to Mackay

Arriving at Shute Harbor with the students

Packing our Kayaks

Our group kayaked to one of the Whitsunday islands, landed on the beach, then set up camp for the night.

Off to our next destination

A day of snorkeling with the students

Selecting some snorkle equipment

Stephanie, with a "less than graceful" exit from the water slide

Rainforest Hike