Sunday, November 29, 2009

The last two weeks in November.

Brad, Darlene, Jeremy, Jessica and Ryan came to visit for a couple of weeks and it was great to see some familiar faces. We really enjoyed the visit and while they were here we took the opportunity to show them the school where Stephanie has been teaching, as well as the area of Hervey Bay.

On November 21st we went back to the location of the turtles hatching in March and this time we witnessed turtles laying eggs.

Loggerhead Turtles laying Eggs

Around 8pm we went out onto the beach and a female turtle was laying her eggs in a nest. According to the park ranger she was about 30 years old and was about 3 feet in length. She layed 101 eggs while we were there. Unfortunately she made her nest too close to the water and the Ranger decided we would need to move them further up so they wern't washed away when the tide came in.